Do you ever wonder what Fun Art is really about?
It's about a group of people who enjoy creating art in a community setting.
It's about relaxation, friendship, support, love and belonging.
It's really about your personal journey, through the creative process.
It's really about your personal journey and how art can help you on your life's journey.
It's really about being mentally free from everything, pain, worry, loneliness.
It's kinda about looking closely at who you are.
It's kinda about accepting where you are now in the moment.
It's kinda about challenging yourself to move forward.
It is about inclusion.
It is about learning.
It is about growing.
lol it is about creating Fun Art!
Just relax there's no wrong at Fun Art, you might do it differently but that's okay!
This is Fun Art not Fine Art, Fine art is at the college!